NASA Perseverance rover captured stunning imagery of an area called "Airey Hill" in Jezero Crater on the Red Planet.
Jezero Crater on Mars was once home to a lake, delta and rivers. See an animation of what it could have looked like when ...
The two robots, working alone and far apart from one another, are struggling on their respective treks along the Red Planet's rough terrain.
NASA’s Perseverance rover captured an intriguing astronomical event from Mars' Jezero Crater: a transit of the Martian moon ...
NASA's Perseverance rover took a break from its Mars mountaineering expedition recently to survey its old stomping grounds.
The rover has so far spent about two months negotiating a steep route out of the Jezero Crater with the aim of cresting the rim in early December. At roughly the halfway point, the rover stopped Sept.
Vytěžená plocha v pískovně Křenek u Brandýsa nad Labem se díky těžební společnosti České štěrkopísky proměnila na jezero ...
Letošní léto bylo opravdu horké a pokles vodní hladiny byl znát především na velkých vodních plochách. Také jezero Most ...
Již v létě by se veřejnosti mohly otevřít brány lomu ČSA mezi Mostem a Chomutovem, kde byla letos ukončena těžba hnědého uhlí ...
Návštěvníci italského jezera Como a jeho okolí si od nynějška mohou domů přivézt jedinečný suvenýr: vzduch z okolí jezera ...
"Mars didn't want to make it easy for anyone to get to the top of this ridge." NASA's Perseverance rover took a break from its Mars mountaineering expedition recently to survey its old stomping ...
The images Perseverance captured late in September show a panorama of the Jezero Crater where the rover landed in February ...