Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and glossy buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula) are prevalent in the Midwest, quickly forming ...
How do we measure resilience and assess how well adaptation measures are working? The University of Minnesota Climate ...
A three-year Extension partnership with universities in Kenya focuses on women farmers and the school meals value chain.
The University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership provides tools to help communities understand their climate risk ...
The Extension Men and Fathers team includes leaders Thao Pham, Michael Stratten and Donna Anderson as well as Lani Xiong, ...
An end-of-year reflection about the growing season will prove helpful as you set overall goals and make management decisions for next year.
A Food Partner Challenge award helped Sherburne County 4-H members provide dairy products for their local food shelf with milk supplied from their own dairy farms.
Join and learn about Coaching HER and Body Confident Sport for building body-positive female athletes and improving sports ...
Are you a beginning fruit and vegetable farmer looking to improve efficiency, safety, and the quality of your fresh produce? Take advantage of new grants from the MDA to purchase infrastructure and ...
Beekeeping classes and events are designed to help professionals and homeowners support and keep bees. They are also for bee owners and those who raise bees for honey production.
Morel mushrooms are prized for culinary uses. Morels usually emerge in the spring in woodlands after adequate rainfall. When harvesting, pinch or cut the stem just above the soil to leave the base of ...
Amur maple is a MDA Specially Regulated Plant in Minnesota. Sellers must affix a label that advises buyers to only plant Amur maple and its cultivars in landscapes where the seedlings will be ...