Reader, Joan wore a bowl cut. Haters have attempted to erase the memory of this bowl cut from our collective memory, but I am ...
John Willingham has an M.A. in American history from the University of Texas at Austin. His novel The Edge of Freedom, A Fact-Based Novel of the Texas Revolution will ...
Ms. Bishop (nee Davis) was the only official historian of the IRS in the institution's history. For nearly eight years, I worked for the IRS. I did not process tax returns. In fact, I rarely saw tax ...
Mr. Tremblay is an HNN intern and Breaking News Editor. James Bradley, in his recent book The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War, alleges that President Theodore Roosevelt encouraged ...
Mr. Pompeian is HNN's Assistant Editor for Breaking News. Many critics of the Iraq War are struggling to oppose the war while continuing to sound patriotic. How have leading figures in the past ...
Mr. Maddox, Professor of History Emeritus at Pennsylvania State University, is the editor of "Hiroshima in History: The Myths of Revisionism" (University of Missouri Press, May 2007). A staple of ...
Keith Miller has been a speaker with the OAH Distinguished Lectureship Series since 1999. Let me begin with a short story. The great tank commander--George S. Patton--found out the hard way how ...
Mr. Fagan teaches history at the College of Southwest in New Mexico and is a doctoral student at the University of Southern Mississippi. From watching the memorial of Reagan on TV and reading the many ...
Mr. Montgomery is Farnam Professor Emeritus at Yale University. He is a past president of the Organization of American Historians. Earlier this month published an article by Greg ...
That our politics have been shifting rightward for more than thirty years is a generally acknowledged fact of American life. That this rightward movement has largely been accomplished by working-class ...
Mr. Todd is a graduate student in history at West Virginia University. There has been a more or less considerable furor over Sen. Robert Byrd's (D-WV) usage of the term "white nigger." Everyone seems ...
According to legend, the ancient Olympic Games were founded by Heracles (the Roman Hercules), a son of Zeus. Yet the first Olympic Games for which we still have written records were held in 776 BCE ...