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سرپل (پژواک، ۹ میزان ۱۴۰۳): مسؤولین محلی در سرپل می‌گویند که کار ساخت یک شهرک و بازار در مساحت پنجاه جریب زمین در ولسوالی ...
Construction work has been completed on a school building at a cost of 300,000 US dollars in Mazar-i-Sharif, the capital of ...
Global sports organizations must increase their cooperation with relevant Afghan bodies and athletes and should make sharing ...
کابل (پژواک، ۹ تله ۱۴۰۳): د کرنې، اوبولګولو او مالدارۍ وزارت مرستيال وايي چې افغانستان اوس د کرنې او مالدارۍ په ډېرو برخو کې ...
KABUL (Pajhwok): Nearly 200 lives have been lost to widespread flooding and landslides across Nepal, a media report said on Monday. After days of heavy monsoon, much of southern Kathmandu and nearby ...
Indian police have arrested two Afghans in New Delhi on the charges of smuggling cocaine and heroin, a media report said on ...
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مزارشریف (پژواک، ۹ تله ۱۴۰۳): د بلخ ولایت مرکز مزارشریف ښار کې د ۳۰۰ زره امریکایي ډالرو په لګښت یوه ښوونځي ته ودانۍ جوړه او ...
At least 100 people have been killed and 359 others wounded in fresh Israeli airstrikes on Lebanon, a media report said on ...