More information listed in the report: More information listed in the report: More information listed in the report: More information listed in the report: More ...
Ruby is the July birthstone – and it’s one of the most coveted of gems. The name is derived from the Latin word ruber, meaning “red” – the color of love and passion. Few things catch the eye like the ...
Pietersite has been described as a brecciated variety of tiger’s-eye. This study examined pietersite specimens from Namibia and China (the main sources) using powder X-ray diffraction, optical ...
Natural-color saltwater cultured pearls from Pinctada margaritifera were studied by diffuse reflectance UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to identify the absorption features associated with their various colors ...
Figure 1. This 239.25 ct topaz crystal hosts some interesting inclusions of ferrocolumbite. Photo by Diego Sanchez. The author recently acquired a 239.25 ct transparent well-formed topaz crystal from ...
Laser sawing of diamonds is beginning to revolutionize the diamond-cutting industry. Not only does the laser saw offer savings in time and money, but it also enables the cutting of material virtually ...
Bluish green tourmaline crystals and white calcite on a Burmese ruby. Photo by Charuwan Khowpong; field of view 2.48 mm. During a GIA field expedition to Mogok, Myanmar, a tiny but interesting sample ...
Pictured above, a South Sea cultured pearl containing an RFID tag, an RFID reader, and a GIA Cultured Pearl Classification Report describing the RFID reference number. Fukui Shell Nucleus Factory uses ...
This article examines the sophisticated techniques and equipment currently used to fashion a polished gem from a rough diamond. The basic manufacturing techniques— sawing, bruting, blocking, and ...
Diamond is available in a range of sizes and qualities to fit every consumer's tastes. One of the first things most people learn about diamonds is that not all diamonds are created equal. In fact, ...
2月生まれの方の誕生石はアメシストです。アメシストは、何千年も人々を魅了しているクォーツの紫色の変種です。ライラックから深い紫色の色相を呈するアメシストは、多くの形やサイズ ...
Since Robert Crowningshield's discovery in the late 1950s that diamonds that have been artificially colored by irradiation and subsequent annealing could be identified by their characteristic ...